Get Involved

Help in research

Our research may not help to improve memory directly in the participants but it will be helping other patients in the future. With the knowledge gained from our studies we hope to develop new stimulation therapies for treating deficits in memory and other cognitive functions like attention, mood or consciousness. Your involvement in this research can have a real impact on the lives of patients suffering from brain disorders ranging from different types of dementia to traumatic brain injury.

Your participation matters!

Participation in this research will not affect the participant’s medical care in any way. It may, however, provide additional information about the patients, which could be used for clinical purposes if needed. For example, using new electrodes offers more precise recording and stimulation than the clinically available technology. The needs of the patient always come first.

We thank you wholeheartedly for getting involved in our research through participation in the study or its support and promotion.

Support future scientists

Most likely we will not solve the problem of brain disorders completely within our lifetime. We need to inspire, train and support a new generation of scientists who will continue our mission. Our model example is the G. D. Fahrenheit scholarship of the Mayor of Gdansk that was initiated in the III High School in Gdansk (International Baccalaurreate World Schoool No. 1309) to enable students education at the world top universities . Find more information about the G. D. Fahrenheit scholarships on the Gdansk city website and on the website of the Gdansk Association of the Fahrenheit Scholars. You can also help new scientists in Poland by supporting various initiatives of the Foundation for Polish Science.

Give hope

In cases where medicine cannot help any more there is always hope in the sacrificial love of our God. Many miraculous healings have been witnessed throughout centuries and are happening now. To learn more visit websites of the ‘Cor et Lumen Christi’ community.

‘Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do
and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father.
Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son
if you ask anything in my name, I will do it.’

John 14:12-14